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Concentration: Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)


Cyber-physical systems are technical devices equipped with specialized software and programs that carry out specific tasks in a larger physical environment. Applications for such embedded systems include modern telecommunications (smartphones), car manufacturing, managing power grids, medical technology, to mention but a few.

These systems are extremely complex and require a high level of security and efficiency. Important fields of research include communication between the individual components as well as the testing and verification of hardware and software.


Participating groups and persons

Mainly the following chairs and groups are involved in the research of these fields:


Studying Cyber-Physical Systems

This is one of three fields in which students of the Master of Science in Computer Science can specialize. The following is a sample curriculum for this field of specialization.


Type of course Winter semester Summer semester
Key course
(offered each year)


Computer Architecture

Software Engineering

Core course 
(offered each year)
Cyber-Physical Systems: Discrete Models Cyber-Physical Systems: Hybrid Models
Further specialization courses 
(gernerally every 1 or 2 years)

Verification of Embedded Systems

Software Design, Modeling and Analysis in UML

Formal Methods for Java

Concurrency: Theory and Practice

Peer-to-Peer Networks

Real-time Operating Systems and Reliability

Test and Reliability

Decision Procedures

Compiler Construction

Distributed Systems


Additional seminars, lab courses and specialization courses are offered for one term or at irregular intervals. For more information on these courses, please consult the module handbook of the Master of Science in Computer Science.

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